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P. 170
Lake Maggiore and the Matterhorn
Join us on the tranquil shores of Lake Maggiore. Enjoy the superb 9 Days from £749
scenery on the Lake Maggiore Express and en-route to see the Departures
famous Matterhorn. Apr to Oct 2021
Borromean Islands
Matterhorn Macugnaga
HIGHLIGHTS Day 1 Local departure by coach or Home Stresa, are a highly popular feature of the
• Enjoy the pretty town of Baveno on the Connect service, then we travel to France for Italian Lakes. We’ll take the time to explore
shores of Lake Maggiore an overnight stay. the wonderful Isola Bella, with its ornate
• Visit the Swiss village of Zermatt Day 2 We continue our drive into Italy to reach royal palace and gardens, and will also enjoy
included entrance into the palace itself. The
• Enjoy a magical journey on the Lake Lake Maggiore in time for dinner. B,D palace is full of ornate rooms, which are sure
Maggiore Express Day 3 Zermatt and the Matterhorn The to remind you of a past full of grand receptions
• Discover the Borromean Islands Matterhorn is well-known throughout the and sumptuous feasts. We will also visit the
Included Excursions world for its unique appearance, and it’s also quaint Isola Pescatori which was once a
one of the highest mountains in the Alps. This
fishing village. B,D
• Zermatt and the Matterhorn magnificent mountain looms over the village Day 7 Macugnaga and Monte Rosa
• Lake Maggiore Express of Zermatt, creating an amazing backdrop at Our optional excursion today takes us to
• Borromean Islands all times of the year. We visit Zermatt during Macugnaga and Monte Rosa. Found in the
our holiday and will be able to admire the local Piedmont region, the village of Macugnaga
Optional Excursion area to our heart’s content, as we’ll have free is located on a mountainside and is famous
• Lake Orta Tour time in the village. B,D for being at the base of the Dufourspitze
• Macugnaga and Monte Rosa Day 4 Lake Orta Join our optional excursion Mountain. Part of the Monte Rosa Mountain is
to Lake Orta. Lake Orta is located just to the visible from Macugnaga as well, as the Gorner
Also Includes west of Lake Maggiore, and is surrounded by Glacier towers over the village to the east. B,D
• 8 nights hotel with continental breakfast beautiful scenery. While visiting Lake Orta,
and 6 evening meals we will be able to enjoy a boat trip which will Day 8 We head back north into France for our
• Porterage at the hotel take us to the popular Isola San Giulio, a small overnight stay. B
island on the lake. B,D Day 9 Return home. B
• Local joining points
(see pages 6 & 7 for your nearest) Day 5 Lake Maggiore Express Enjoy a scenic Included Meals: B=Breakfast, D=Dinner
journey on the Lake Maggiore Express, which
YOUR HOTELS includes travel by rail and boat in order to Tour Code: W9ILM
You will stay for six nights at a 3-star hotel in see the full beauty of this part of the Italian
Baveno or Stresa on Lake Maggiore. Lakes. This trip will take us to some of the most Apr 17 2021 £749 Jul 24 2021 £829
popular towns surrounding Lake Maggiore, and May 1 2021 £799 Aug 21 2021 £849
we’ll get the chance to enjoy excellent views May 15 2021 £819 Sep 18 2021 £849
Oct 9
Jun 12
out over the lake during our journey. B,D Jul 3 2021 £829 Oct 23 2021 £799
Day 6 Borromean Islands The unique Jul 10 2021 £829
Borromean Islands, located off the coast of Optional excursions are at extra cost.
Extras: single room supplement from £189.