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       Green Heart of Italy for Solo

       Travellers by Express Coach                                                   9 Days from £649
       Visit Italy’s beautiful region of Umbria on this fascinating tour for solo        May to Sep 2021
       travellers, taking in beautiful Assisi and Perugia.


       Assisi                                                                    Gubbio
       HIGHLIGHTS                          Day 1 Home Connect service, then drive   afternoon we head to Città di Castello. See
       •  Visit the “Perugina” chocolate factory –   through the night towards Italy.  evidence of its medieval past, with its bell
        home of famous “Baci” chocolate      Day 2 Continue Across Switzerland and into   towers and town walls, still intact in many
       • Explore typical medieval Umbrian towns     Italy, to Umbria, where we stay for six nights in   places. B,D
                                           Cannara, near Perugia. D             Day 6 Perugina House of Chocolate A day for
       Included Excursions                                                      chocolate lovers! We visit the Perugina House
       • Perugia and Guided Tour           Day 3 Perugia and City Tour Included   of Chocolate, where we learn the history of
                                           excursion to Perugia, capital of Umbria, where
       • Visit Perugina chocolate factory    we include a guided walking tour. Perugia   100 years of this brand, a symbol of the Italian
                                                                                chocolate craft. The tour concludes with a taste
       • Gubbio and Città di Castello      was founded centuries ago and still has its   of delicacies. Return to the hotel for a relaxing
       • Assisi                            preserved old Etruscan gates and city walls.   afternoon. B,D
       Optional Excursion                  Day 4 Deruta and Torgiano Optional   Day 7 Assisi Today will see us exploring
       • Deruta and Torgiano               excursion to Deruta famous for its pottery   the exquisite town of Assisi, famous for
                                                                                being the birthplace of St. Francis. This
       Also Includes                       and ceramics production among the most   town boasts many fascinating sights, and
                                           beautiful and precious of Italy. Deruta ceramics   we’ll get to explore many of them during
       •  6 nights hotel with continental breakfast    are famous for their decorative vases, plates   our time here. Spend time discovering the
        and 6 evening meals                and other objects of various shapes and the   Franciscan structures of Assisi, which have
       •  No single room supplement        oldest are now kept in the best museums in the   been designated as a UNESCO site since
       •  Sole use of your own room        world. Visit one of the famous ceramic shops   2000. These include the stunning Basilica of
       •  Porterage at the hotel           to learn about this ancient art and crafts. In   San Francesco d’Assisi, as well as the Church
                                           the afternoon, we enjoy a tasting of two of the
       •  Home Connect                     region’s specialities, as we continue to vineyard   of San Pietro, the Santa Maria Maggiore, and
                                                                                Assisi Cathedral. B,D
        (see pages 6 & 7 for your nearest)  land Torgiano village to visit the olive oil and   Day 8 After breakfast, we begin our homeward
       YOUR HOTEL                          wine museums. B,D                    journey and travel north overnight. B
       You will stay for six nights at the 3-star    Day 5 Gubbio and Città di Castello Included   Day 9 Return home.
       Phi Hotel Hortensis in Cannara. This    excursion, as we enjoy the lush countryside,
       well-appointed hotel offers a spacious   beautiful landscapes and scenery and see   Included Meals: B=Breakfast, D=Dinner
       garden, bar and restaurant serving typical   these typically Umbrian medieval towns.
       Umbrian specialities.               Marvel at the evident cultural and artistic   Tour Code: W9ITS
                                           heritage. We head to Gubbio, where you can
                                           admire the Cathedral, the panoramic Piazza   May 15    2021  £649  Jul 10    2021  £679
                                           Grande, and the Palazzo dei Consoli. In the   Jun 12    2021  £679  Sep 11    2021  £679
                                                                                Optional excursions are at extra cost.

                                                                  For full information call or visit | 177
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