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       Rovinj and Istrian Coast

       by Express Coach                                                              9 Days from £619
       Based in beautiful Rovinj, explore some of Croatia’s                               Apr to Oct 2021
       most charming coastal towns on this irresistible coach holiday.


       Rovinj                                                                    Pula
       HIGHLIGHTS                          Day 1 Local departure by coach or Home   Day 6 Porec We will travel to Porec today,
       •  Stay close to the traditional town of Rovinj,   Connect service, then travel by Express Coach   where you can enjoy a stroll along the two
        famous for its pretty harbour      overnight to Croatia.                main bays, known as the Green and Blue
       •  Spend time in historical Porec and take in   Day 2 We arrive in Rovinj early this afternoon   Lagoons. There will also be time to see the
                                                                                old centre, streets and squares. One of the
        its many sights                    and have time to settle into our hotel, for   major attractions in Porec is its UNESCO
                                           our first night on Croatia’s beautiful Istrian
       Included Excursions                 Peninsula. D                         World Heritage Site-designated Euphrasian
                                                                                Basilica, also known as the Cathedral Basilica
       • Umag and Portoroz • Porec • Pula   Day 3 Umag and Portoroz Join our included   of the Assumption of Mary. Why not visit the
       Also Includes                       excursion today, as we make our way to two   cathedral at your leisure to see the stunning
                                           different countries to explore Umag in Croatia   mosaics and Byzantine architecture? Spend
       •  6 nights hotel with 6 continental   and Portoroz in Slovenia. Umag is Croatia’s   time exploring the town’s pretty harbour, and
        breakfasts and 6 evening meals     most westerly city, and we’ll discover stunning   admire its architecture – at over 2,000 years
       •  Porterage at the hotel           coastal scenery here. Explore the town’s 10th-  old, Porec is filled with wonderful sights! B,D
       •  Local joining points             century walls admire the 16th-century Church   Day 7 Pula Today we will discover the popular
        (see pages 6 & 7 for your nearest)  of St Roche. Continuing to Slovenia, we will   town of Pula. One of the many jewels in Istria’s
       YOUR HOTEL                          visit Portoroz, famous for its pristine beaches.   crown, Pula is the largest city on the peninsula,
       You will stay for six nights at the 4-star Hotel                         and is known for its beautiful sea views and
       Eden in Rovinj. Overlooking Rovinj’s bay   Day 4 Opatija Just a short way along the   unspoilt scenery. Spend time taking in sights
       and beach, just a mile from the town centre,   coast, also nestled on the banks of the Adriatic   such as the stunning amphitheatre, the Chapel
       the Hotel Eden boasts excellent facilities   Sea, is the lovely resort of Opatija, which we   of St. Mary Formosa, the Arch of the Sergii, and
       that guests can make the most of during   will visit today. Enjoy time at leisure to soak up   the Temple of Roma and Augustus. B,D
       their stay. The hotel also offers comfortable   the beautiful architecture, seafront promenade   Day 8 As our holiday draws to a close, we say
       guest rooms and is within reach of Rovinj’s   and colourful parks. Opatija has a number of   goodbye to Rovinj and travel through the night
       attractions.                        attractions that are worth visiting, such as the   towards the UK. B
                                           Benedictine Abbey of Saint James (Opatija Sv.
                                           Jakova), and the famous statue titled ‘Maiden   Day 9 Return home.
                                           with the Seagull’. B,D                   Included Meals: B=Breakfast, D=Dinner
                                           Day 5 Rovinj Spend a day at leisure in resort.
                                           See the pretty pastel coloured houses clustered   Tour Code: W9RRC
                                           along the winding streets, or explore the old   Apr 10    2021  £619  Oct 9    2021  £639
                                           town with its combination of Romanesque,   May 1    2021  £649
                                           Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture.   Optional excursions are at extra cost.
       Hotel Eden                          B,D                                  Extras: single room supplement from £129.

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