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Insurance Cover tailored to you...

           At Shearings, we always do everything we can to ensure your holiday   PLEASE NOTE You must also notify MediScreen immediately of any changes in
           runs as smoothly as possible from start to finish. For this reason we   medical circumstances arising between the date the policy is issued and the time of
           strongly recommend you take out a holiday insurance policy, even if   departure of the trip. Failure to do so may invalidate the insurance, leaving you with
           its not the holiday insurance policy that we offer you, to ensure you’re   no right to make a claim. This applies to all destinations.
           prepared for the unexpected.                             In addition to the above the policy also contains the following main exclusions:
           To provide you with a travel insurance policy designed with our customers   •   Any existing medical conditions unless they have been declared to (where
           in mind, we’ve teamed up with travel insurance providers, Towergate   appropriate) and accepted by the insurer.
           Travel. Some of the benefits of this travel insurance policy include:  •   Your participation in any organised sports, winter sports or dangerous activities
                                                                      unless they have been declared to and accepted by the insurer.
            3  No maximum insurable age                             •   Suicide or the wilful exposure to exceptional personal risk.
                                                                    •   Travel against the advice of the carrier, any other public transport provider, the
            3  We do not increase the premium if you are over 65      Foreign Office or the World Health Organisation.
                                                                    •   The bankruptcy / liquidation of the tour operator, travel agent or transportation
            3  24-hour English-speaking emergency assistance          company with whom you have booked your trip.
                                                                    •   Claims arising from any epidemic or pandemic as declared by the World Health
           If you take out this insurance when booking your holiday, the insurance premium will   Organization (WHO).
           be added to your holiday cost. Your policy wording, Insurance Product Information   •   Any coronavirus, including but not limited to COVID-19, or any related / mutated
           Document (IPID) and status disclosure document will be sent to you with your   form of the virus. This exclusion does not to apply to Section 12 - COVID-19
           booking confirmation.                                      Cover of this policy.
           Shearings Appointed Representative of ITC Compliance Ltd, which is authorised and   Cooling Off Period
           regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (their registration number of 313486)   If upon receiving your policy you decide the insurance doesn’t meet your
           and which is permitted to advise on and arrange general insurance contracts.  requirements you can cancel it for a full refund by returning it to us within 14 days of
           Important                                                receipt or before travelling (whichever is soon), providing you have not made a claim.
           You may already possess alternative insurance policies for some or all of the   SECTION OF COVER    MAXIMUM SUMS INSURED /BENEFITS   EXCESS
           benefits provided by this product. It is your responsibility to investigate this. We will   EXCESS  PER PERSON
           not provide you with advice about the suitability of this product however we are   Cancellation  •  £5,000 UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands   • £25 Loss of Deposit
                                                                                 & Europe
           happy to provide you with factual information to help you make an informed choice.   • £7,500 Worldwide  •  £75 UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands &
                                                                                                      Republic of Ireland
           All policies have exclusions and restrictions to them. It is very important that you       •  £60 Europe & Worldwide (trips up to
                                                                                                      £5,000 in value)
           understand these and only purchase the policy if you are happy that you and every          •  £250 Worldwide (trips £5,001 to
           member of your party meet the eligibility criteria.                                        £7,500 in value)
           Residency                                                Delayed Departure  •  £60 (£20 after 12-hours and then £10   • Nil Delayed Travel
           Any person named on the policy who is staying in or has lived in the UK for more   for each subsequent 12-hours delay)   •  £60 (trips up to £5,000 in value)
                                                                                                      Holiday Abandonment/£250 (trips
                                                                                 Delayed Travel
           than 12 months, or if studying or working in the UK for more than six months, is   •  £5,000 UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands   £5,001 to £7,500 in value) Holiday
                                                                                 & Europe/£7,500 Worldwide Holiday
           covered by the policy.                                                Abandonment
           Pre-Existing Medical Conditions                          Missed Departure  •  £100 England, Scotland & Wales  Nil
           You must be able to comply with the following conditions to have the full protection   •  £500 Northern Ireland, Isle of Man,
                                                                                 Channel Islands, Isles of Scilly, Europe &
           of your policy. If you do not comply, the insurers may decline any relevant claim or   Worldwide
           reduce the amount of any relevant claim payment.         Personal Accident          Up to £25,000 (subject to age)  Nil
           If you are travelling within England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isles of Scilly,   Medical & Other   £5,000,000 sub-limited to:   •  £75 UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands &
                                                                                •  £350 Emergency Dental Pain Relief
                                                                                                      Republic of Ireland
           Isle of Man, Channel Islands or Republic of Ireland you are not required to declare   (Including Curtailment)  (Non-UK)  •  £60 Europe & Worldwide (trips up to
                                                                                                      £5,000 in value)
           your medical conditions. However to be covered for any medical conditions you   •  £1,500 Additional Accommodation &   •  £250 Worldwide (trips £5,001 to
                                                                                 Repatriation Expenses
           have or have had, you must be able to answer NO to questions 1. to 4. and YES to   •  £300 Additional Travel Expenses (UK)  £7,500 in value)
           questions 5. and 6. a) and                                           •  £5,000 UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands &
                                                                                 Europe/£7,500 Worldwide Curtailment
           b) below:                                                Hospital Benefit    • £100 (£10 per 24-hours) UK   Nil
           1.   Are you aware of any reason why the trip could be cancelled or cut?  (Including Confinement   •  £500 (£15 per 24-hours) Non-UK
           2.   Are you travelling:                                 to Cabin)
              a) against the advise of a medical practitioner, or   Baggage (Including   £1,000 sub-limited to:  • Nil Delayed Baggage
                                                                                                      •  £60 Baggage & Personal Money
                                                                    Personal Money)
                                                                                • £200 Single Article Limit
              b)  for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment?               • £200 in all valuables
           3.  Have you been given a terminal prognosis?                        •  £100 Delayed Baggage (after delay of 12
                                                                                 hours or more)
           4.    Are you receiving or awaiting treatment for any bodily injury, illness or disease as   •  £200 Personal Money (subject to age)
              a hospital day case or in-patient?                    Loss of Passport and/or  £200 Non-UK  Nil
           5.    If you are on prescribed medication, are your medical condition(s) stable and well   Visa Expenses
              controlled?                                           Personal Liability  £2,000,000    Nil
           6.   If you suffer from stress, anxiety, depression or any other mental or nervous   Emergency Home   Call out of an approved tradesperson, three  Nil
              disorder, have you received written confirmation (at your cost) that you are fit   Assistance (Per Household) hours labour and £100 materials
              enough to take this trip by either:                   COVID-19 Cover  •  £5,000 UK, Isle of Man Channel Islands    • £25 Loss of Deposit
              a)  a registered mental health professional (if you are under the care of a   (Coronavirus)  & Europe / £7,500 Worldwide Cancellation  •  £75 UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands
                                                                                                      & Republic of Ireland
                                                                                 & Curtailment
               Community Mental Health Team), or                                •  £1,000,000 Medical & Other Expenses  •  £60 Europe & Worldwide (trips up to
                                                                                                      £5,000 in value)
              b)  a consultant specialising in the relevant field?                                    •  £250 Worldwide (trips £5,001 to
                                                                                                      £7,500 in value)
           If you are travelling outside of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Channel   This is a summary of cover only. Full terms and conditions are as per the policy wording, a
           Islands, Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland you must telephone MediScreen on   specimen copy of which is available upon request.
           0344 892 1698 if anyone covered by this policy, or any person upon whose health
           the trip depends:                                        Insurance Premiums
                                                                    The premiums below are per person and are inclusive of Insurance Premium Tax
           1.   Has ever suffered from, been investigated for, received treatment for or been
              diagnosed with:                                         Europe      2-5 days  6 days  7-10 days  11-12 days  13-17 days
              a) any cancer or malignant condition                                 £42       £46     £52      £54      £57
              b) any lung, cardiac or circulatory condition (including angina or hypertension).
           2.   Has any medical condition that has required referral to or a consultation with a   UK  2-4 days  5 days  6-8 days
              specialist or hospital treatment, investigation or check up in the last 12 months.  £29  £33       £38
           MediScreen’s office hours are 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm   This scheme is arranged by Towergate Travel and underwritten by ERGO Travel Insurance Services Ltd (ETI) on behalf of Great Lakes
                                                                    Insurance SE (GLISE). GLISE is a German insurance company with its headquarters at Königinstrasse 107, 80802 Munich. UK Branch office:
           Friday excluding Bank Holidays. You may have to pay an addition premium to cover   Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3AJ, company number SE000083. GLISE, UK Branch, is authorised by Bundesanstalt für
                                                                    Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and subject to limited regulation by the FCA and Prudential Regulation Authority: register number 769884. This
           your medical conditions.                                 policy is administered by ERGO Travel Insurance Services Ltd (ETI): registered in the UK, company number 11091555. Authorised and regulated
                                                                    by the FCA, register number 805870 and registered office: Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch Street London, EC3M 3AJ. Details about the extent
                                                                    of GLISE’s and ETI’s authorisation and regulation by the PRA and the FCA are available on request.

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