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HOLIDAYS IN HOLLAND & GERMANY                                                        extra  LEGROOM

       Valkenburg, Aachen and Monschau                                               5 Days from £319

       Relax in the lovely town of Valkenburg and enjoy excursions to the                   Departures
       wonderful towns and cities of Aachen, Monschau and Maastricht.                     Apr to Oct 2021


       Valkenburg                                                                Maastricht
       HIGHLIGHTS                          Day 1 Local departure by coach or Home   of the Eifel Mountains to the small town
       • Eifel Mountains countryside       Connect service, then continue to our hotel,   of Monschau, famous for its half-timbered
                                           Hotel Walram, in the centre of Valkenburg.  buildings. The ‘Gem of the Eifel Region’,
       • Visit the charming old city of Maastricht                              Monschau is situated on the banks of a small
                                           Day 2 Valkenburg Valkenburg, sometimes
       Included Excursions                 called ‘Marlstone Town’ because of the lime   river and overlooked from opposite hillsides
       • Valkenburg • Aachen               found in the soil and the soft yellow marlstone   by the ruins of a stone watchtower and an
                                                                                old palace. Linked by a series of bridges, the
       • Monschau • Maastricht             which has, since Roman times, been quarried   town’s restaurants and shops lead up to the
                                           as a building material. As a result, there is now
       Also Includes                       a network of over 150 miles of underground   town centre where a charming church proudly
       •  4 nights hotel with continental breakfast   corridors beneath the town. A visit to these   stands. B,D
        and 3 evening meals                caves is highly recommended. There is plenty   Day 4 Maastricht Included excursion to
       •  Porterage at the hotel           here to keep you occupied above ground as   Maastricht. Visit the charming old city centre
       •  Local joining points             well, such as the castle ruins and shops, bars,   or maybe take some time out to explore
                                                                                the network of underground passageways
                                           cafes and restaurants. B,D
        (see pages 6 & 7 for your nearest)                                      and vaults beneath the city, where a large
       YOUR HOTEL                          Day 3 Aachen and Monschau Today we enjoy   part of the Netherlands’ art treasures were
                                           an included excursion to the historic city of
       You will stay for four nights at the 3-star   Aachen, where you have time to explore the   safeguarded during World War II. Visit the
       Hotel Walram in the centre of Valkenburg.   stunning old town. Aachen is famous for its   Stokstraat Quarter, the Basilica of Our Lady
       The hotel is located on a quiet square on   magnificent cathedral and the Elisenbrunnen   and the Ramparts. B,D
       the banks of the River ‘De Geul’. The town   fountain, which is also the symbol of the town.   Day 5 Return home. B
       centre with a host of shops, cafes, bars and   We continue through the fantastic countryside
       restaurants is only 2 minute’s walk from the                                     Included Meals: B=Breakfast
       hotel.                                                                    Tour Code: W5HLG
                                                                                Apr 19    2021  £349  Jul 19    2021  £389
                                                                                May 10    2021  £379  Aug 23    2021  £389
                                                                                May 24    2021  £389  Sep 13    2021  £389
                                                                                Jun 21    2021  £389  Sep 27    2021  £379
                                                                                Jul 12    2021  £389  Oct 4    2021  £319
                                                                                 EXTRA LEGROOM:
                                                                                 Tour Code: W5HLGR
                                                                                May 31    2021  £419  Aug 9    2021  £419
                                                                                Optional excursions are at extra cost.
       Hotel Walram                         Aachen                              Extras: single room supplement from £69.

                                                                  For full information call or visit | 219
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