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Booking Conditions

      It is important that you read the following Booking Conditions.

      These Booking Conditions together with our ‘Things You Need To Know’ (which, appear on our website and are   5. ALTERATIONS AND CANCELLATIONS BY US
      available on request) form the basis of your contract with us. Please read both these sections carefully as it applies   (1)  Changes to confirmed holiday arrangements sometimes have to be made and we reserve the right to do so in
      to all bookings you make with us unless otherwise specified. All holidays arranged by us are operated by Shearings   accordance with this Clause 5. Most changes will be insignificant and we have the right to make these. Where
      Travel Limited which operates under an independent trust account structure in accordance with The Package and   an insignificant change is made before departure, we will notify you in writing. No compensation is payable for
      Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 (“PTRs”). In these Booking Conditions, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ are references   insignificant changes. Occasionally, before departure, we may be constrained by circumstances beyond our control
      Shearings Travel Limited “You” means all persons named on the booking including anyone who is added or substituted   to make a significant alteration to any of the main characteristics of the travel services which form part of your
      at a later stage (or any of them as the context requires). References to “departure” are to the start date of the holiday   confirmed booking or to any special requirements which we have accepted as referred to in Clause 11. Where we
      arrangements booked with us. For online and telephone bookings, we will communicate with you by e-mail if you   have to do so, Clauses 5(4) and 5(5) will apply.
      have provided us with your e-mail address for this purpose. You must check your e-mails on a regular basis. We may   (2)  All alterations which are not significant in accordance with Clause 5(1) will be treated as insignificant changes.
      also contact you by telephone and/or post if we cannot, for whatever reason, contact you by e-mail or we consider
      it appropriate to do so. Travel documents are sent by post or by e-mail. Except where otherwise stated, you may   (3)  Our holidays require a minimum number of bookings to enable us to operate them and we reserve the right to cancel
      contact us by e-mail for any of the reasons mentioned in our Booking Conditions providing you contact us at customer.  any holiday where this minimum number is not achieved. The minimum number applicable to any particular holiday On sea/river cruising holidays, the terms and conditions of the cruise operator apply in   depends on a number of factors. Failure to achieve the applicable minimum number does not, however, oblige us to
      addition to these conditions. Copies of these terms and conditions are available on request. Where there is any conflict   cancel. We will notify you of cancellation for this reason by the date referred to in Things You Need To Know under
      between the terms and conditions of the cruise operator and these Booking Conditions, the relevant provision of these   the heading Prices & Brochure/website Accuracy – Changes & Errors.
      Booking Conditions will take precedence. Your contract for all sea/ river cruising holidays will be with us.  (4)  In the event we have to significantly alter any of the main characteristics of your confirmed arrangements or
      1. HOLIDAY PAYMENT (INCLUDING AUTOMATED BALANCE PAYMENTS)   accepted special requirements, we will provide you with the following information in writing as soon as possible:
      You must pay a deposit per person (as shown in our applicable brochure and on our website) together with all   (i) the proposed alteration and any impact this has on the price; (ii) in the event that you do not wish to accept the
      applicable insurance premiums (if you wish to purchase the travel insurance we offer) at the time of booking. The   alteration, details of any substitute package we are able to offer (including the applicable price); (iii) your entitlement
      balance of the price of the holiday is due for payment no less than 42 days before departure for all coach holidays (other   to cancel your booking and receive a full refund if you do not want to accept the alteration or any substitute package
      than holidays Oberammergau Passion Play or tours which include sea or river cruising), 28 days before departure Self-  offered; and (iv) the period within which you must inform us of your decision and what will happen if you don’t do so.
      Drive holidays, 70 days before departure for sea or river cruising and Oberammergau tours. If the balance is not paid on   (5)  If you choose to cancel your booking in accordance with Clause 5(4), we will refund all payments you have made
      time we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you and apply the cancellation charges set out in Clause   to us within 14 days of the date we receive your instruction to cancel. If we don’t hear from you with your decision
      3. For bookings made on or after the balance due date, the full amount is due at the time of booking. The person making   within the specified period (having provided you with the above mentioned information for a second time), we will
      the booking accepts responsibility for paying for all the people on the booking. You must be at least 18 years old to   cancel your booking and refund all payments made to us within 14 days of our doing so. No compensation will be
      make a booking with us. Any authorised travel agent of ours through whom you make a booking will be responsible for   payable or other liability accepted where a change results from unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances
      relaying information from you to us and vice versa. For the purposes of compliance with time limits or limitation periods   (see Clause 6).
      as set out or referred to in these Booking Conditions, receipt by such an authorised travel agent of messages, requests

      or complaints intended for us will be treated as receipt by us. However, we are not responsible for any advice given to   (6)  Occasionally, it may be necessary to cancel confirmed holiday arrangements. We have the right to terminate
      you by your travel agent that did not originate from us. All monies you pay to one of our authorised travel agents for   your contract in the event (i) we are prevented from performing your contracted holiday arrangements as a result
      your holiday with us will be held by the agent on your behalf until the agent has verbally confirmed your booking. After   of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (see Clause 6) and we notify you of this as soon as reasonably
      that point, your agent will hold the monies on our behalf until paid to us In the unlikely event of our financial failure, all   possible or (ii) we have to cancel because the minimum number of bookings necessary for us to operate your holiday
      monies then held by the travel agent or subsequently paid by you to the travel agent will be held by the agent without   has not been achieved and we notify you of cancellation for this reason as referred to in Clause 5(3). Where we
      any obligation on the agent to pay such monies to us.    have to cancel your holiday in these circumstances, we will refund all monies you have paid to us within 14 days
      2. OUR AGREEMENT                                         of the date we inform you of the cancellation but will have no further or other liability to you including in respect
                                                               of compensation or any costs or expenses you incur or have incurred. We will of course endeavour to offer you
      A contract is made when we, or your travel agent, verbally confirms your booking or, if you make your booking online,   comparable alternative arrangements where possible which you may choose to book in place of those cancelled. We
      when it is confirmed by the issue of an electronic confirmation and invoice at the end of the booking process. For all   also have the right to cancel if you fail to make payment in accordance with the terms of your contract in which case
      bookings (other than bookings confirmed online), we will endeavour to post our confirmation to you or your travel agent   Clause 3 will apply.
      within 7 days of confirming your booking for all other holidays. You must check all documents we send you carefully as
      soon as you receive them and advise us immediately if anything appears to be inaccurate or incomplete. We cannot   (7)  If we have to make a significant alteration as referred to in Clause 5(1) or cancel as referred to in Clause 5(6), we will,
      accept any liability if we are not notified of any inaccuracy (for which we are responsible) in any document within 14   where compensation is appropriate, pay you the compensation set out in the table below, subject to the exceptions
      days of us sending it out (or in the case of travel documents/tickets, 5 days). We both agree that English law will apply   to the payment of compensation referred to in Clauses 5(5) and 5(6).
      to your contract and to any dispute, claim or other matter of any description which arises between us (“claim”) except
      as set out below. We both also agree that any claim (and whether or not involving any personal injury) must be dealt   PERIOD OF NOTIFICATION   MINIMUM COMPENSATION PER   MAXIMUM COMPENSATION PER
      with by the courts of England and Wales only unless, in the case of court proceedings, you live in Scotland or Northern   GIVEN TO YOU OR YOUR   FARE PAYING PASSENGER WHEN   FARE PAYING PASSENGER
      Ireland. In this case, proceedings must either be brought in the courts of your home country or those of England and   TRAVEL AGENT PRIOR TO   SIGNIFICANT CHANGE OR ALTERNATIVE   IF FULL REFUND ACCEPTED
      Wales. If proceedings are brought in Scotland or Northern Ireland, you may choose to have your contract and any claim   DEPARTURE DATE  HOLIDAY ACCEPTED
      governed by the law of Scotland/ Northern Ireland, as applicable (but if you do not so choose, English law will apply).
      3. HOLIDAY CANCELLATION BY YOU                          MORE THAN 105 DAYS  NIL   NIL   NIL    NIL   NIL   NIL
      You may cancel your confirmed booking at any time before departure. You may also transfer your booking as referred to
      below. If you want to cancel your booking after we have confirmed it, you must do so by email or in writing by posting
      or hand delivering it to us or your travel agent. Your notice of cancellation will only be effective when it is received in   BETWEEN 71 AND 105 DAYS  NIL  NIL  NIL  NIL  NIL  NIL
      writing by us at our offices or your travel agent. We will ask you to pay cancellation charges per person on the scale
      shown below based on your original booking departure date. In calculating these cancellation charges, we have
      taken account of possible cost savings and the generation of income from other bookings which may be able to utilise   BETWEEN 61 AND 70 DAYS  NIL  NIL  2%*  NIL  NIL  £10
      cancelled services to the extent this is likely to be achievable. Once we have the facility to do so, cancellation charges
      which are in addition to payments we have already collected from you will be deducted from your debit or credit card.
      Any payment received in excess of the applicable cancellation charge will of course be refunded.  BETWEEN 43 AND 60 DAYS  COACH   NIL  SELF-DRIVE  2%* SEA/ RIVER CRUISE & OBERAMMERGAU  2%*  COACH   NIL  SELF-DRIVE  £10 SEA/ RIVER CRUISE & OBERAMMERGAU  £10
      DEPARTURE WITHIN   HOLIDAY      HOLIDAYS  & OBERAMMERGAU   BETWEEN 29 AND 42 DAYS  2%*  2%*  2%*  £10  £10  £10
      WHICH CANCELLATION IS                        HOLIDAYS
                                                              BETWEEN 14 AND 28 DAYS  5%*  5%*  5%*  £10   £10   £10
      BETWEEN 71 AND 105 DAYS  FULL DEPOSIT  FULL DEPOSIT  FULL DEPOSIT  LESS THAN 14 DAYS  10%*  10%*  10%*  £20  £20  £20
                                                   IF GREATER  (8) In the event that unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (see Clause 6) occur in the place of destination
                                                             of your tour or its immediate vicinity which significantly affects the performance of the contracted arrangements or
      BETWEEN 43 AND 60 DAYS  FULL DEPOSIT  FULL DEPOSIT  50% OR FULL DEPOSIT,   the carriage of passengers to that destination, you will be entitled to cancel prior to departure without payment of
                                                   IF GREATER  cancellation charges. We will notify you as soon as practicable in the event of this situation occurring.
                                                             6. UNAVOIDABLE AND EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES
      BETWEEN 29 AND 42 DAYS  50% OR FULL   FULL DEPOSIT  60% OR FULL DEPOSIT,   Except where otherwise expressly stated in these Booking Conditions, we regret we cannot accept liability or pay
                      DEPOSIT, IF GREATER          IF GREATER  any compensation where the performance, or prompt performance, of our contractual obligations to you is prevented
      BETWEEN 15 AND 28 DAYS  60% OR FULL   75% OR FULL DEPOSIT,   75% OR FULL DEPOSIT,   or affected, or you otherwise suffer any damage, loss or expense of any nature, as a result of unavoidable and
                                                             extraordinary circumstances. In these Booking Conditions, unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances means a
                      DEPOSIT, IF GREATER   IF GREATER  IF GREATER  situation which is beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable
      BETWEEN 4 & 14 DAYS  90% OR FULL   90% OR FULL DEPOSIT,    90% OR FULL DEPOSIT,   measures had been taken. Such situations are likely to include (whether actual or threatened) war, riot, civil strife or
                                                             unrest, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions (including flooding
                      DEPOSIT, IF GREATER  IF GREATER  IF GREATER  and exceptionally high or low water levels on rivers), coach breakdown or accident, fire, pandemics/epidemics, closure,
      LESS THAN 4 DAYS   100%          100%         100%     restriction or congestion of airports, ports, stations, other transport hubs or airspace, flight or port restrictions imposed
                                                             by any regulatory authority or other third party and volcanic activity. Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances
      Cancellation charges are calculated on the basis of the total cost payable by the person(s) cancelling, excluding   will also include the UK Foreign Office advising against all travel or all but essential travel to any country, region or
      insurance premiums paid to us or paid to your own insurance provider, amendment charges and any pre-booked   destination where relevant to your holiday.
      entrance tickets or upgraded Grand Prix, Le Mans, concert and/or opera tickets all of which are non-refundable. 100%   River and Coastal Cruises
      cancellation charges will apply for any pre booked P&O Ferries Club Class Lounge bookings if you cancel less than 43   Occasionally, water levels may vary to the extent that the operation of the cruise ships on our river or coastal cruising
      days before departure. Where any excursions are pre-booked, the cost is not refundable in the event of cancellation   programme is affected. It is ultimately the Captain’s decision regarding the running order of the itinerary and any
      of the holiday after the balance due date. In the event of a cancellation of a booking secured by a low deposit, you will   changes which may be necessary. This situation constitutes unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. In the event
      be liable to pay the remainder of the full deposit amount. For sea and river cruise inclusive bookings, you must pay the   that any resulting change is significant or the cruise has to be cancelled, Clause 5 will apply. However, no compensation
      charges levied by the operator concerned, in addition to the charges set out on page 2 where cancellation charges   will be payable and we will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred as a result.
      of less than 100% apply. You may be able to make a claim under your travel insurance policy if your cancellation
      falls within the conditions of the policy. Claims must be made directly to the insurance company concerned. Where   7. ITINERARY CHANGES
      any cancellation reduces the number of full paying party members below the number on which the price and/or any   It may be necessary, sometimes at short notice or without any prior notice, to make changes to an itinerary due to
      concessions (including free places for group bookings) agreed for your booking were based, we will recalculate these   weather, traffic or road conditions and other circumstances outside our control. Regrettably, coaches, trains, and ships
      items and re-invoice you accordingly.                  do occasionally break down or suffer mechanical or technical problems, or certain facilities on board a coach, train or
                                                             ship may become faulty/unavailable. Every effort will be made to rectify such issues as quickly as possible. In some
      4. HOLIDAY ALTERATION BY YOU                           instances it may be necessary to replace the vehicle or aircraft which cannot be repaired. We cannot accept any
      You may transfer your booking or your place on the booking to someone else (introduced by you) without payment of   responsibility for delays caused by any form of breakdown.
      our cancellation charges provided the person to whom you are making the transfer satisfies all the conditions which   8. TRAVEL DELAY
      form part of your contract with us. Requests for a transfer must be made in writing at least 7 days prior to departure   (1) Whilst we try to avoid delays to your sea crossing/tunnel crossing, unfortunately, they occasionally happen. If there
      and must be accompanied by the name and other applicable details of the replacement person. Where a transfer to   is a delay, we will endeavour to minimise any discomfort by providing extra services to you (in the event of delay to your
      a person of your choice can be made, all costs and charges incurred by us and/or incurred or imposed by any of our   rail/ferry/ cruise departure, responsibility for any refreshments, meals and where necessary, overnight accommodation,
      suppliers as a result, together with an amendment fee of £25 per person, must be paid before the transfer can be   rests with the carrier).
      implemented. As most cruise companies do not permit name changes for any reason either at all or less than a certain   These additional services, as shown below, are subject to availability and the prevailing circumstances. We shall not be
      period before departure, these charges are likely to include the full cost of the cruise where applicable. Should you   responsible for reimbursement of any payment you have to make unless we have given our agreement beforehand. (2)
      wish to make any other changes to your booking, please advise us as soon as possible. Whilst we cannot guarantee   If your ferry or cruise ship is cancelled or delayed the operator of the services, at be required to pay you compensation
      changes can be made, we will endeavour to meet requests if we can. Where we are able to do so, the following charges   within the EU under EC Regulation 1177/2010 – the Passenger Rights Regulations 2010. Where applicable, you must
      will apply to reflect the work likely to be involved in making the change. Where we consider the change to be a minor   pursue the carrier for the compensation or other payment due to you. All sums you receive or are entitled to receive
      one, there will be an amendment fee of £25 per person. In the event we consider the change to be more involved, we   from transport represent the full amount of your entitlement to compensation or any other payment arising from such
      charge an amendment fee of £40 per person for each item you want to change. Where a change affects a sea or river   cancellation or delay applicable. This includes any disappointment, distress, inconvenience or effect on any other
      cruise booking the charges imposed by the cruise operator in making the change will  also be payable in addition to our   arrangements. The fact a delay may entitle you to cancel the transport arrangements concerned does not automatically
      amendment fee. However, where a change requested after balance due date (see Clause 1), (other than transfers as set   entitle you to cancel any other arrangements even where those arrangements have been made in conjunction with
      out above), amounts to a cancellation of your original booking, we will ask you to pay cancellation charges on the scale   those transport arrangements. We have no liability to make any payment to you in relation to any ferry or cruise delay
      shown in Clause 3, together with the full cost of your new holiday. Insurance premiums may be transferable from one   or cancellation. If, for any reason, we make any payment to you or a third party which the ferry or cruise operator is
      holiday to another (including when you travel earlier or later than originally booked), but not from one person to another.   responsible for in accordance with the Passenger Rights Regulations, you must, when requested, assign to us the rights
      NB: You can change the travel date on your Towergate insurance as long as the new travel date is within the policy   you have or had to claim the payment in question from the ferry or cruise operator.
      validity dates. In the event that we agree to a change of holiday dates at any time, any further requested change of
      dates will be treated as a cancellation of the original booking to which cancellation charges will apply. The rescheduled
      holiday will then be treated as a new booking at the then applicable price.
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