We may have special offers and limited promotions where you might see a small reduction in the overall price. These offers will be advertised across our different channels and are available for a limited time. Please call or check our website if you’d like to know of any offers on a particular holiday.
The prices you see on our website, social media and in our brochures are the prices every customer will pay, excluding any discounts which may be on offer. However, we do always recommend you book early to secure your place to make sure you don’t miss out on your dream holiday, you can take advantage of any discounts available, and, with SUPER-low deposits from just £1pp on October and November (1st-14th) 2021 holidays, what’s stopping you?
It is common practice throughout the travel industry, and with the previous Shearings pricing model, to offer a small number of low-price seats in order to advertise their holidays at a lower price, with many passengers paying considerably more for the same break. Companies will account for these low prices by inflating the cost as more people book . This means that those who book their holiday closer to departure may end up paying far more than they should. We don’t think this is fair.
We have a one price policy, which means you won’t get to your destination to find out that others have paid significantly more or less than you. This gives all customers the opportunity to pay a fair price for their holiday, which accounts for the hotel, travel, meals and excursion costs for that particular package.
The time of year you would like to travel in will affect the price. For example, holidays in the summer or in busy periods of the year may be more expensive than holidays in quieter months. Individual holiday prices can be viewed on the departure date and prices tab of your chosen holiday on our website, or you can always call us to check this.
Our tours include a range of optional and included excursions. Optional excursions are not built into the price of your holiday, and if you choose to join our optional excursions, this will be at an extra cost. You will pay for these whilst on your holiday and this should be factored into the amount of spending money you take. The price of any included excursions is built into the original price that you pay. All excursions are subject to availability.